Saturday, October 22, 2011

Angelina Jolie: is she in the delusional hungry?

For some time, according to Angelina Jolie's sight anxious voices: their arms were too narrow, the head too big for the body lean, sinewy legs and matchstick thin. This matches the current report in the American "Star" magazine, according to the actress often takes only 800 calories per day to themselves. "Some days she only eats green tea and nuts, other days they eat some meat and drink some red wine. What they eat varies from week to week, but one thing is certain, there is never enough, "says a friend. Mitter time to the "Tomb Raider" star weigh only 42 pounds - at a height of 1.73 meters!

Fatal, especially in stressful Angelina's Diary: You must be the care of six children, to accommodate turning and directing work, and as a UN Goodwill Ambassador is in constant use. To all 'to do that, should the 36-year-olds on the diet pill "hoodia" fall back. The African cactus is said to have stimulant and appetite-suppressing properties. "Angie believes that the pills give you energy to get through the day. It starts with a double espresso in the morning and drink throughout the day on coffee. In between fast something sweet to get energy. But instead of taking a balanced meal, she eats only a little with the children. Brad asks her again and again, something to eat, but Angelina does not listen to him, "another source said the" National Enquirer ".

What is certain is that Angelina's current photos really looks narrow concern. The triple burden as a mother, actress and wife Charity certainly contributes to - but just as an example for their children should urgently reconsider the actress her life.

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