Monday, October 24, 2011

Ashton Kutcher: No ring, and many words

After the rumors grew louder about his alleged marriage fraud, Ashton Kutcher in a video message now criticizing the media. But instead now makes his exhortation to the fact that he dressed himself in a ring, for riot

It looks a bit like an episode from the series "Two and a Half Men": A handsome young man said to have cheated on his much older wife for the umpteenth time - this time with a pretty blonde. The woman loses weight from the grief and sees it from even older. And the young man to adopt his self-indulgence.

But the protagonists of this story in this case are not fictional characters, but two well-known Hollywood stars with real problems: Since the rumor about Ashton Kutcher's alleged extramarital affair made the rounds, hardly a day passes without new headlines. Now Ashton Kutcher makes a video for riot, that on Friday (21 October) on his profile page on the social network "" published.

"I would like to initiate a dialogue about our relationship to honesty and truth," begins his four-minute message Ashton Kutcher. Due to the upheaval in the media texts before publication is no longer checked as carefully as before digitization, he explains. "Today, there are no more such filters, we are our own editors and our own editors and printers," he says. "There's the old adage that a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth could ever leave her lips," he continues.

Whether alluding Ashton Kutcher with his criticism of the media in reporting on his marriage crisis? It's possible. But even if the actor founded entirely on his right to a private life, insisting that he forgets something very critical: He and his wife Demi were the ones who made their love public and the fans always gave very personal insight into their lives. Especially over the news service "Twitter" Ashton Kutcher spread always many photos showing him and his wife in very intimate moments. A photo from the bathroom of the couple or just before going to bed - Ashton tweeted pictures of the paparazzi would get millions.

No wonder then, that overthrow of the media in a crisis like the former flagship series is now on Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. An appearance without wedding ring on his finger as he lay down now so Ashton in his video message, or a scaled-Demi Moore on the red carpet, the media are therefore hardly rest. One thing the couple has not yet mind you, after years of media experience, fame has its price - especially when it is celebrated so publicly as in the house Kutcher / Moore.

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