Friday, October 7, 2011

Google Page Rank Bar Does Not Work

The problem about Google Page Rank occurred during the night, error reporting from users not only in Romania but also in Britain, Australia and the United States. Toolbar software does not provide any information and sites that provide correct information about the Google page rank after entering the returns are Not Available (n/a) or Page Rank 0.

It remains to be seen whether it is a temporary situation, or if Google has decided not to disclose this information. This is not the first time that Google Page Rank was suspended, a similar situation was reported in 2009. But then Google has reinstated service system within hours.

Google Page rank is still considered by many users to be one of the quality and value of measuring a site. It is also a money making tool for those engaged in the sale of links, an activity that Google has tried to discourage the penalty to decrease the Page Rank value.

Update: It seems that Page Rank is not dead. Google has made an update to the link that show PR in Toolbar.

old address:
new address:

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