Sunday, November 27, 2011

Amazon Cyber ​​Monday 2011: Prolonged period and more products

Amazon Germany is organizing in spite of criticism from consumer advocates in the last year, the end of 2011 another Cyber ​​Monday. Amazon responds to the criticism and plans to offer more products over a longer period.

By 2010, the tension was Cyber ​​Monday, as a variety of products offered in part to extremely low prices. But it remained unclear how many products actually belonged to the offers and the most interested parties ended up with nothing - Sold Out! This led to fierce criticism from consumer advocates.

Amazon Germany will this year host a Cyber ​​Monday, but is taking the Internet retailer's criticism to heart. There should be more products this year and the period of the action to be extended for three days.

This coming Monday, the action begins and ends at the Amazon on Wednesday, 30 Of November. According to Amazon, there will be more than 350 offers in which total more than 450,000 articles are placed.

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