Thursday, November 24, 2011

Nicki Minaj was named as Rising Star of 2011

Nicki Minaj (28) has been appointed by 'Billboard' magazine for' Rising Star of 2011 '. The bride-rap ("Right Through Me ') is the award on the second December at the 'Billboard Women in Music' ceremony in New York City will receive.

"I am deeply honored to be recognized by 'Billboard'", said Nicki Minaj and added: "My nation of BarbZ [fans] and I have come a mighty far, but we are still nowhere near where God is going to take. Sit back and enjoy the ride. "

The beauty has earned the award due to a busy year: Not only is the debut album by the singer - 'Pink Friday' from 2010 - still performed in the upper chart places. The hip-Hopperin also accompanied Britney Spears on the 'Femme Fatale' tour and collaborated with David Guetta.

The message about Minajs award follows the announcement that Taylor Swift (21) of the publication to the 'Woman of the Year was named. Thus, the country's youngest star mice, this honor was ever bestowed. Bill Will, the chief editor of 'Billboard', justified the choice as follows: "Taylor has shown strength, of good songwriting, [coupled] with music, the genre-crossed, and we are thrilled to recognize all their successes of last year, by making them honored with the "Billboard Woman of the Year Award."

Taylor Swift will be pleased with their award is as safe as Nicki Minaj over her.

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