Wednesday, December 14, 2011

customer criticize fire-tablet: amazon under fire

with an almost childlike joy Jeff Bezos introduced a few weeks before the new kindle palette. "And now I have one more thing," said the chief of amazon and let the words work. there should be an homage to the famous "one more thing" from Steve Jobs. the apple-ups is good role model for the chef to the online store - and now the favorite enemy.

kindle the fire brought Bezos namely an e-book reader that can compete with the iPad tablet computer from apple. only the ladder must be convinced of it. which sends the kindle in masses back.

In the past year, the late founder of apple-jobs, the cases presented. at that time was the tablet computer, without the keyboard and operate only with the fingers can, ridiculed by many. now he has provided for a medium earthquake on the computer market.

number of customer access to the slim tablet instead of the desktop PC or notebook. the pc manufacturers, so far a success against the prescription is missing. Although some have allied with Google and provide equipment to the google android operating system. The success was so far out though.

the anger of the customer
kindle the fire is considered to be currently the most important cases, concurrent. not only because amazon android version uses a specially adapted. especially the making of the world's largest retailer is Internet-were cited as argument. Each tablet is in fact just as good as the content, it sure is - and can show off amazon. Bezos wants to kindle the fire once more to sell movies, books and songs, now in digital Form. just as it makes the Apple iPad.

so far, so good - at least in theory. an unusually large number of customers, however, is dissatisfied with the device and return it wants. unloads the anger on the internet pages of amazon itself there can assess all retail products, from the department store. more than one in five buyers is the product currently only one or two stars, the two lowest notes. and a clear assessment than the lousy second cases

the fire-buyers complain that the screen can be operated only with difficulty. also to get out quickly, which made the switch. a special switch for the loudness is not there, however. which must always be set on the device menu. that is annoying to hear the music or movies look of.

no device, but a service
by drawing the lament of the amazon evaluation forum, although the first three reviews on the US-website of the company are consistently positive. from amazon itself says it also kindle the fire was the most successful product ever. But this says nothing of, as the group calls do not pay regularly and kindle their own products over the clover says.

is the realization that tablet computer to operate even if slightly, but hard to build. past week has only business model for the time being-from the tablet was withdrawn. Hewlett-Packard has announced this weekend that the tablet-own operating system webos lack of success is now open for all developers.

the software is to keep alive, the computer group last year was still the main reason to buy smaller rival Palm for more than a billion dollars.

kindle the fire, a new software to solve the most pressing problems in the coming days, promises amazon. incorrect or missing switches will not fix it, of course. but as soon Bezos is not back off. as he has recently said only: "We see the fire kindle device not as we see it as a service.."

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