Sunday, December 11, 2011

Jennifer Aniston's father is impressed by justin

It is pleasing to every woman, when her dad finds out that she has with the man at her side made ​​a good choice. so it was now also aniston home. jennifer (42) papa has her new boyfriend Justin Theroux (40) now lauded as a likeable man.

since the beginning of the year, the two and a couple already has the blessing justin his father-in-law. PapaJohn U.S. Weekly reported: "He is a charming young man. I think they are a wonderful couple. my wife and I meet with them whenever we can. "

and Jennifer, who for years was known to have five married to Brad Pitt (47), the family was her favorite already been presented. among others, have its cousin, the documentary Louis Theroux (41), should be ok for a new girlfriend jen given. justin and jen are officially in the summer and there are always a few new wedding and children rumors, which gave the actress, but a recent cancellation. recently, the two first moved into their shared apartment in Hollywood. the common happiness seems to be nothing in the way!

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