Wednesday, December 21, 2011

kim jong il dead: one in people's tears

after the death of Kim jong il, the mourning of the population is huge. have saved thousands of statues and pictures of North Korean dictator flower crying. the ruler, was laid out in a glass coffin surrounded by flowers. his son Kim Jong Un bowed before the coffin itself.

The television showed pictures of the corpse of the deceased was lying on a red and white flowers embedded glass coffin. the state television, according to the coffin in the Kumsusan palace in the capital, Pyongyang has been issued. there is somewhere else already put the embalmed corpse of Kim Il Sung, the founder and father of state leaders to see in a glass coffin.

in a North Korean department store sales people were crying in front of an escalator. this should have used the deceased at the inauguration of the store. one from North Korean television showed Kim jong il photo shown, as he took the escalator.

the various facilities that are usually on a hill, were mourning facilities to mammoth. hundreds of grieving submitted busts and portraits of the ruler from flower and crying.

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