Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mark Twain: Google Doodle: Telling the truth - a twinkle in tone

When Mark Twain, he was famous, but the name was pure invention. for Mark Twain chose his stage name from the pilot realized the pache, the draft was for little ... a mocker before the men.

It is this self-irony the American writers became one of the very large. Mark Twain was a master connoisseur of the human soul, a creative-genius narrative with great force, an icon of irony. He conceived the youth book-hero Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn and created one of the most important bases for children and civil rights in the United States.

Mark Twain aka Samuel Langhorne Clemens, who 176 years ago on 30th Was born November 1835 in Missouri, now a dedicated Google Doodle.
Samuel Clemens was born as early as the sixth child of his parents in humble circumstances to the world. At age eleven, his father died. His mother served as a housekeeper in a pharmacy.

1863, 28 years young, Mark Twain, first published under a pseudonym. The start of a century career. His gift? Mark Twain's life was indeed pessimistic, but his tone was still a twinkle. Taste? "When we remember we are all mad, life is explained." A typical Mark Twain.

Prior to his career as a writer, Mark Twain worked as a travel reporter and gossip, as helmsman on the Mississippi and as a miner in the gold mines of the West, moved from Nevada to California and eventually settled in Connecticut. He traveled a lot (Europe, Middle East) and also spent a winter in Berlin-Tiergarten (here, a plaque commemorates the author).

1870 married Mark Twain beauty Olivia Langdon. They had four children, two more died in childhood. The writer suffered quietly.

The author died in 1910, a day after the publication of Hall's Comet, as he had predicted. As a personal, Twain's literary heritage left a vault should be opened a hundred years later. In the vault was his autobiography, published in 2010, as a voice from the grave. Even a typical Mark Twain.

The Google Doodle shows to commemorate the famous fence-painting-history, the most famous passage of the Tom Sawyer adventure. In the orphan Tom converts a penalty in a lucrative business in order. A parable of wisdom: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade from it." Or as Mark Twain would have said: "Give every day the chance to become the best of your life."

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