Thursday, December 15, 2011

matt damon pulls him over-bourne director Tony Gilroy's greed

Matt Damon has spoken with the GQ, among others, about the universe-bourne. yet he allowed himself to be the scriptwriters and directors of all previous parts of the bourne legacy coming from. He accuses tony gilroy indirectly sheer greed.

matt damon is located on gq magazine neatly over the Bourne franchise excited, more precisely on tony gilroy. tony gilroy author is bourne of all previous parts and also the director of the upcoming The Bourne Legacy with Jeremy Renner. matt damon told GQ that he very well at some point one would celebrate the return bourne universe. selfish way, it would be bad for me, if this film is nothing Damon says, thinking of his own plans bourne. But he hopes fervently that tony gilroy this time not only to the monetary thinking. because that's what did the scriptwriters, according to Matt Damon at the last film of the franchise, the bourne ultimatum.

I'm not a big tony allegations. He has just bagged an absurd sum and then just that submitted what he has submitted. it is simply just that this screenplay was unreadable. The book was a career-killer, I mean I could put something on ebay and then it would only be game over for the young. it's terrible. It's embarrassing. He got a commitment in advance for their generous pay and basically, he has simply taken the money and ran off.

tony gilroy had previously completed a deal with the studio that he would write only a raw version, no notes, no revisions, no - only one version and one on full pay. matt damon gq-doubt in the whole article not once Gilroy's qualities as a director (Michael Clayton, Duplicity - shared secret thing) to or scriptwriters. he can about the greed of his colleagues and the procedural mechanisms of the film industry.

the production of the film suffered tremendously under the sloppy work by tony gilroy. the screenwriter had in a kind of emergency-use scott made for burns and George Nolfi, and with the help of Paul Greengrass portable. matt damon loud it was a horror-show production technology. finally demanded the rich fled schreiberling also, that he alone is named as a script writer. matt damon gq reminds disgusted, according to the behavior of tony gilroy. rejected the studios from the sole name of the author and Scott Burns and George Nolfi were even called.

matt damon as but one benefit is clean and the man basically, actually does not believe in trash talk, but he has already apologized. The Boston Herald writes an apologetic-calling by phone with the author of the GQ article:

my feelings were hurt. and that's why I had nothing to say about the topic. it's just something between me and gilroy. about such things to make something public is damn stupid, unprofessional and it was just a bit of shit from me.

matt damon is a sports man, but throws an uncomfortable light on the upcoming bourne-production.

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