Thursday, January 5, 2012

Eva Longoria: "I was too thin for a divorce"

"I remember that after my divorce I was so thin and everyone told me how great I looked," Eva Longoria says in the latest issue of "Health." "It was probably the least healthy state, that I have ever met." This fact can finally have to think about the dominant ideal of beauty. "It's funny what people see as 'healthy.' Worst in my time I told people I had never looked better."

Meanwhile, she had recovered, however, again increased and reached a bit of their personal ideal weight. "My diet is great and I have a great training program," said the 36 - year-old, how she keeps fit.

They've tried to let the pain of separation as quickly as possible behind him, she continues. "Even after my divorce, everybody meant: 'Wow, you have recovered so quickly.' And I thought: 'I'll not let me down, pulls the Something good will happen soon - and I can not wait to see what will be..' "Pretty fast, it has sent the actress therefore radioed back , and Eduardo Cruz Longoria at the moment is happier than ever.

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