Friday, October 21, 2011

Kim Kardashian: Come On Divorce?

Kim grouses about married life hard and hardly speaks a word with Kris. 

As hard as Kim Kardashian has not imagined marriage to Kris Humphries. Only two months after the pompous wedding the sky is no longer full of violins, but full of dark clouds. 

"Kim feels miserable," Friends tell the magazine Life & Style, "Kim has realized that she had married too quickly and took no time getting to know Kris." The It Girl fears her husband is too immature and really only their money behind her. At the same time she is ashamed that she so soon after the hasty wedding is already before the separation. 

Most recently, Kris Humphries (26) saw how he carried boxes and bags from Kim's hotel in New York. If he moved out with her? No, not yet, give the all-clear insider. They cleaned the room together. For the filming of Kourtney and Kim Kardashian's reality soap Take New York are completed. "They both fly to Las Vegas to celebrate Kim's birthday," explains a friend. 

icy mood 
But that does not mean that their marriage finally uphill. When the couple this week turned into a restaurant, they were playing for the cameras while the lovers. But once the red light was out, was no more words between Kim Kardashian (30) and her husband 

In the Daily Mail is reporting a Kardashian confidant to speak, it is convinced that divorce is imminent: ".. I do not know when they'll announce a separation or why they even got married but it's over" 

Kim is not only embarrassing, that their marriage will fail so quickly, but also the fact that it already happens for the second time. As a young girl, she ran off with the music producer Damon Thomas in Las Vegas by - a disaster!

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