Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lindsay Lohan: Is she smoking crack?


Lindsay Lohan scandal pasta was confronted last week with photos in which they clearly saw their brown, rotting teeth and responded promptly.

 You could even take a break from her probation program to go to the dentist. Dr. Pankaj Singh reported against 'Radar Online', it would look like, as did the blonde a quick tooth undergoes treatment and could now smile again. 

"Either she can make a crown or a coating to cover the stained, rotting teeth," said the doctor. 

 In their parole papers, it is said that she had been excused because of dental treatment. "Lindsay did not realize just how bad this has become" a source told. "When the photos appeared and were all so shocked and she laughed, she was devastated." 

The father of Lindsay Lohan showed little sympathy with his daughter and told Jane Velez-Mitchell, they've probably ruined by drugs teeth. 

"That's what happens when you smoke crack or methamphetamine in the pipe. One of the two. I will not hide, "Michael Lohan said frankly. "Other drugs would make all his teeth broken, not only the two front teeth. You can not dance with the devil and then believe that you go with Jesus to go home. " 

Yesterday, the Hollywood stars of the probation was lifted. Judge Stephanie Sautner they had lead in handcuffs from the courtroom and declared their probation for injured, was not repeated after they lined up for their charitable activities in the shelter.

 Now the beauty work at least 16 hours in the morgue and on 2 November reappear in court. Then decides whether Lindsay Lohan to jail.

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