Thursday, October 20, 2011

Transitional Conflicts: Muammar Gaddafi killed in arrest

The more than four decades of rule by former rulers of Libya Muammar al-Gaddafi is finally over: Two months after his fall, the 69-year-olds, according to the Transitional Council had been killer.


All information that we have indicate that Colonel Gaddafi's history, "said Information Minister Mahmoud Schammam the news channel CNN. Gaddafi had been killed during the fighting in his hometown of Sirte militiamen.

 The exact circumstances of death are still unclear. According to Gaddafi have been conflicting reports either during the escape from a house in a convoy of cars, but killed in a hole or hidden behind large concrete pipes. Lack of Gaddafi since 27 August each track. 

In addition to the dictator is also his intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi have been killed. In addition to the injured Mutassim Gaddafi son in the hands of the militia are reported to the Arab TV station Al-Jazeera. 

Should the reports of the death and fall of Gaddafi's home town of Sirte confirm, clearing the way for the construction of a new Libya. The Transitional Council has announced plans to form a new provisional government and hold democratic elections. 

"Today, Libya a new page in its history hit and start a new democratic future," it said in a statement by EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. 

The reports on the exact circumstances of the death on Thursday was a long time inconsistent. Schammam information minister, said militiamen had tried to storm a house in Sirte. Gaddafi then tried to escape. He could not say whether Gaddafi had been killed in the house or in a vehicle. 

The news channel Al-Arabiya on Thursday showed pictures of the place in Sirte, Gaddafi, where the fighters were allegedly found. On display are two large concrete tubes, about someone sprayed on a concrete wall: "This is the place of the damned rat al-Qaddafi - God is great". Before the concrete tubes two corpses lying on the ground. 

According to other reports, the ex-dictator died during an attack on a convoy. As a reporter for the British newspaper "Guardian" reported that the convoy was attacked on Thursday morning by NATO aircraft, as he was about to leave Sirte. NATO confirmed on Thursday only an attack on a convoy. 

The Arab television station Al-Jazeera reported, citing police officers that Gaddafi had been caught in a hole. The British broadcaster BBC quoted a police officer, that Gaddafi is said to have begged: "Do not shoot, do not shoot." 

Meanwhile, photos and shaky video first surfaced, to show the slain former dictator. In one picture a man is to see where it is thought to be Gaddafi. He is bleeding and surrounded by militiamen of the Transitional Council on the ground. 

The Gaddafi had been hiding in Sirte, is a surprise to many observers. Had been suspected fugitive for two months in an oasis in the south of the country. However, now says, have done in Sirte, Gaddafi loyalists why for weeks fierce resistance against the troops of the Transitional Council

 Gaddafi's home town fell on Thursday as the last bastion of resistance against the new rulers. Militiamen hoisted the flag of the Transitional Council in the city center. They also fired volleys from their machine guns. Even in the capital Tripoli, there was great joy. "Here in Tripoli, the people already celebrating in the streets," reported the television station Al-Arabiya. 

According to the reports about the death of Gaddafi sees the European Union "will end the era of tyranny and oppression, has suffered under the Libyan people for too long." 

The political top EU urged the National Transitional Council of Libya to take a "broader process of reconciliation". This must be addressed to all Libyans and "allow democratic, peaceful and transparent transition in the country".

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