Friday, December 16, 2011

itunes match starts in Germany

one month after the start in the US, its apple itunes expansion "match" and freely share in europe. now able to store their music collection online and German customer call. but there are long-service alternative to the apple.

Apple's Internet music service iTunes match, save the songs themselves online and retrieved, is now available in Europe. one month after the U.S. launch, which was offered in the night on Friday for users of the Apple platform released in Germany.

the use of the service will cost this country nearly 25 €, in the United States it is 25 dollar. the competitive provider of online music network in the last had been tightened considerably. well as google and amazon can now play music from the net.

apple itunes but it will match with points that you have to make in contrast to the competition's own collection in the majority not only tedious uploading. The software uses a match-BALANCE automatically returns to the millions of titles, which include the supply of Apple's iTunes store.

actually only uploaded the songs that did not apple on his servers. Apple specifically for the service extended its contracts with the music industry. match part of apples is offered in icloud, the contents are synchronized seamlessly between different devices on the network.

the service is so exceptional, because it theoretically user-pieces of music "legalize" may be that they have obtained from illegal sources. these songs are replaced by legal copies of Apple's iTunes offer.

the growing competitive
Apple with its iTunes platform of the world's largest music retailer. but also offer amazon and google to now, bought and play mp3s stored on the network.

In addition, there are always reflect new rivals such as Spotify, Pandora or simfy, the music directly over the network via streaming technology. Only a few days started with the next competitor, the French music-streaming service Deezer is to start on Monday in Germany.

reported on Friday morning, many Apple users, problems with the registration of their apple to have id. if this match, with the start of itunes and related a possible overload of the system is unclear.

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