Monday, December 12, 2011

katy perry: a barbie dress of cupcakes!

we want it! But, unfortunately, there's only one in the world - but, fortunately, made a charity!

we are talking about the beautiful barbie mattel that Katy Perry has created: a fantasiossima, colorful and highly detailed interpretation of katy of california gurls! there is only one copy in the world, and will be sold at auction and then donate the proceeds to Project Angel Food, an organization that deals with food commissions for those suffering from AIDS, HIV, cancer and other deadly diseases. for the same case was also made for a barbie doll nicki minaj.

"barbie katy candyfornia" is a joy to behold - here we reacted like manga characters: strilletti, eyes and hands waving star!

Hair strictly electric blue, red and white rhinestone microphone like a candy cane, fishnet stockings with rhinestones, pink marshmallow shoes and then the dress. Ah, the dress! a triumph of cream, icing sugar, almond paste, marzipan ... and more you have, and so forth! The bodice, white with multicolor spirals of Swarovski, is lined with magenta ruffles, but the skirt is the most adorable thing: rows and rows of cupcakes of every color and shape, glitter and decorated! incredibly realistic ever to stay on the subject of manga, we hear a string of bib already come down from the corner of her mouth!

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