Monday, December 5, 2011

Rima Fakih: Miss America arrested for alcohol-ride

In June, she lost the Miss USA title, could now even her license to go whistle. The police stopped the former beauty queen, Rima Fakih (26) after a soft-ride - arrest for drunk driving!

Saturday night's friendly with one Fakih. After a few drinks it will go back home. Their accompaniment is too drunk to drive. Fakih offers her help and continued behind the tax. The problem: the former must have collected probably looked a little too deeply into the crystal is quite drunk.

On Woodward Avenue in Highland Park (michigan) ends her ride to alcohol. Policemen stop them and take them into custody. "It is very sad and regrets the situation much, in which it finds itself now," said Fakih Doraid elder lawyer to the American newspaper "detroit press".

So far, the police make no precise details about the suff-ride the beauty queen. Since she was arrested, but it must have had at least one blood-content of 0.8 per mille in. If convicted, the former Miss America, threatening her 93 days in jail and a fine. In addition, they could be sentenced to do community work.

"She takes full responsibility and would like to thank everyone she has let down, apologize," said Elder. Rima Fakih was the first Arab-first Miss USA. She was born in Lebanon and grew up in New York.

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