Friday, December 23, 2011

william and kate: the mystery of the English prince baby

the English folk is getting impatient. are now prince william (29) and its kate (29) married for eight months and still has done nothing in terms of young talent. while it had already been called before the wedding, that was the royal heart-smart lady of the great good kind of hope. But the weeks went by and the belly of the beautiful catherine middleton, since before the oath on 29 April of this year's Mountbatten-Windsor is wanted, just do not get thicker. But as it stands, the fans have to wait for the royal family no longer on her long-awaited baby from the circles of blue-blooded, allegedly because the new wife of Prince now actually pregnant.

as Arthur Edwards, one of the photographers of the British royal house, the Australian magazine announced "new idea", there are now a whole lot of indications that in some circumstances kate and others is their 30th birthday on 9 celebrate january well as expectant mama is. were particularly fueled the rumors, as the duchess of Cambridge recently celebrated her man a concert by singer Gary Barlow cuddle in London attended. not only that the beauty all the time should have made sure her little handbag constantly keep in front of her belly, she was also of prince william and treats her personal secretary Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, like a raw egg.

"Kate has gary barlow, jason donovan and hit lulu and then withdrawn, while prince william, prince charles and camilla are a few other appearances of artists saw. the strange thing was that her assistant Jamie ADAPTED especially for her in one room, accompanied, where it was unusually warm. Moreover, he was almost too caring and went with catherine particularly careful about, "Edwards told the magazine. the photographer, the years since nearly 40 works for the royal family and had leased also the night of the concert right on a couple of exclusive pictures, further explained that creatures of habit, the British royals truly are and it could mean almost always something, as soon as something outside passing the series. occur in the case of Kate's youngest could thus mean that the 29-year-old was pregnant.

kate is on the speculation
Edwards also said the "new idea": "during the performance of Gary Barlow (40) william and catherine are all still sitting at their workplaces, even though the star has his entire take-that-given the best hits. fits so totally not one of the two, because I have already accompanied the couple to concerts more often and so far they have always danced a little. could also suggest that Kate wants to risk anything currently. "
way, is the photographer of the royal house is not alone in his suspicion. also deborah sherwood, the palace as true insiders and writes about the years since the British blue-blooded, confirmed the magazine that the princess by marriage harbors a sweet secret. "Kate looks like she'd grown a bit. they also radiate currently always so special, as if she hides something beautiful. "

anyway, the princess had been fueled in recent weeks even the speculation. In early November, the 29-year-old had during a visit to Denmark a snack rejected with peanut butter, which was interpreted to the public immediately as indicative of a possible pregnancy, since women in other circumstances, often at the nuts give to any allergies in the unborn baby to . provoke catherine had also occurs at the focus constantly on the belly, which was also seen as a sign.

william and kate are very concerned about the family planning
her behavior was also conspicuous at a palace invitation to the upcoming anniversary of the queen in Buckingham. as several media event after the reported Kate had completely renounced champagne and drank only water instead. The Split Stories so powerful and all England really just waiting now for an official confirmation on the part of the royals.

Prince William and his dearest wish to have children is no secret. after the wedding was the son of prince charles ever again mentioned that he and Kate have family plans, with whom she now wanted to work intensively. and since the two have been dating for more than seven years and also with the queen (85), had with Lady Diana († 36) and Fergie (52) announced shortly after their marriage junior, who traditionally would therefore be the right time.

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